Bouquets and books

My neighbours Fiona and Eric are having some major remodeling done to their house, so I had them over for dinner on a Saturday night. I made lentil bolognese for the first time. I was a bit underwhelmed by the result. Apparently I should have used two veggie stock cubes instead of one. I also had Ann O'Dwyer and her partner Shaun over. Regardless of the cuisine, a good night was assured because all of my guests are interesting and enjoyed getting to know each other. Here is the table ready for company:

All of the flowers were in Belleek vases, including three that I just bought at an online auction. I didn't think I needed more Belleek, but here I am putting them to good use.

The following day I went into the city in the morning to watch my neighbour Christine abseil down the side of the Europa as part of a fundraiser. Here's Christine:

While in town I walked Paddy at Botanic Garden.

We also checked at the quad at Queen's.

On both Saturday and Sunday afternoons I went to the Mac theatre to see documentaries and listen to panels. The first was on the difficulty women in Northern Ireland have had breaking into politics. The second was on how the culture of religious fundamentalism affects women in Northern Ireland. Not suprisingly, strong links between the two themes.  

On Monday night I hosted book club. We met in the upstairs lounge, which now has curtains and so is better insulated. The lighting here isn't doing the room any favours, but you get an idea of the final result.

And here is the Roman shade with the console table laid out with treats.

I didn't go overboard with snacks because book club was on a Monday and I was leaving for London on Wednesday. I hadn't even read the book. Who has time to read books? Did I mention I'm swimming twice a week and running three times a week on top of walking a dog, playing golf and working full time? While my goal is to do a triathlon this year, I've yet to get on my bike, which is kind of an important part of a triathlon.

Tuesday I played (badly) in the weekly golf competition then into town to see a comedienne with my friend Marek. I left Paddy at the home of one of my golf partners. She had once offered to watch him occasionally and picked up on my blatant hints that tonight would be a good night to take her up on her offer. They got on like a house on fire. She sent me photos of him on her husband's lap on the sofa watching TV, making himself right at home.

March 19-22