Boris bikes

I flew to London Wednesday, worked in the office during the afternoon then out for drinks with co-workers. Thursday after work Rachael and I went to see a play. Rachael is a cycling activist--in Edinburgh she lobbies for better biking routes to decrease the use of cars. So she suggested we rent bikes from the ubiquitous bike racks and cycle from East London to West London. And so we did. That's the London eye over my right shoulder. It was a gorgeous night and great fun to cycle through London. While I'm a big fan of the efficiency of the underground system, the view is so much better cycling.LOL

It was also helpful to have a young person chaperone me from point A to point B using an app on her phone. Rachael used to be a journalist with The Independent, a respected British newspaper, and knows London from her time working there. She also worked in NYC for a while with The Independent.

The play was about a gay couple, John and his never-named partner, who is a stock broker. John breaks up with his partner and is seduced by a never-named woman he sees every day on his work commute. He becomes very confused about his identity and goes to the broker for help, who, as you might expect, isn't terribly helpful. Long story short, the three of them meet for a dinner party where John has to choose between them and never quite does. Meanwhile, the non-named partners are making their case for why he should pick them.

I usually see plays by myself. It was fun to see this with Rachael so we could pick over the bones of it and compare what we liked/didn't like. I took the tube home. Rachael and I were going in different directions and I would not be brave about cycling in London at night. Not b/c London is dangerous but because I'm not good with map apps.

March 23 & 24