Book Festival

Saturday night I went to my first book festival event (an underwhelming sketch comedy affair). Last night I went to hear four poets do readings. I’d say only one of them suited my taste for subject matter, style, and delivery. Tonight I went to two events, only one of which I enjoyed. It featured two writers, both former journalists, reading from their work. The content was very interesting, the writing style lively, and the delivery superb due to the lovely Irish accents of the readers. I’ve made a mental note to find work by Martin Malone, one of the authors.

The reason I keep complaining about festivals (to have such problems!), is I spend a lot of time reading about all 74 events, I pick 14 I want to go to, I buy tickets for six (not wanting to commit to too many at one time), I forgot about the first two, so I attended four. Of which only one seemed worth the time/effort/money.