Bleakley Salver

Given I had a match on Sunday, there was a lot of golf on Friday and Saturday in preparation. On the day itself, Cathal and I played decently, we came second with 32 points. I learned during the drinking session afterward we would have won but for the 7th hole, where we took a penalty for spending more than three minutes looking for our ball, which was plugged into the ground (this was Cathal's tee shot). The team we were playing didn't challenge us on the three minute rule, so I asked Cathal why he voluntarily dropped the two points we would have had on that hole. He said the opposing team wouldn't have signed our card if he hadn't taken the penalty. So I learned something. It would have been fun to win as the trophy was presented by my coach, Geoff Bleakley. The trophy was donated by his mother, who was a keen golfer and lady captain.

Having taken no photos on the day, I offer one of my laptop and my pup the day before, when I was finishing a very tiresome edit of a 16-page paper on thematic investing for fixed income investors.

14-16 April