BlackRock is in the house

Work has been very intense so far this year. I have mild panic attacks on Mondays feeling like I just can't do this anymore. There's so much to do, so much technology to keep up with, so many irons in the fire. The steering committee chair has endless capacity for complexity and volume of work. I don't, but I'm supposed to be running all these workstreams.

Every Friday I feel giddy--I made it through another week! Recently, BlackRock, with a mere $7 trillion in assets under management, joined my initiative, Climate Action 100+. That has put everything into hyperspeed. Partly because now everyone wants to join and partly because we have to update the memorandum of understanding to clarify roles and nail down accountability. Plus I'm in charge of the newsletter, redesigning the website, setting up meetings for four different groups (in five time zones), taking minutes, setting agendas, etc etc.

Enough whining. Saturdays I walk Paddy at Stormont with friends from my neighbourhood, then we go to someone's house for tea. In the afternoons I take Paddy to his training class. And on Sundays we go somewhere new. Last week the coastal path and on Jan. 19 Mount Stewart. Here are the Mourne Mountains from the near shore of Strangford Lough.

There are a lot more trails at Mount Stewart than I realised. Paddling Paddy.

Just like last Sunday, a sunny clear day.

Spot the Padster.

Jan. 19