Bird Mountains, II

Today was church followed by cooking and cleaning followed by having David and Stuart over for dinner. David did the cooking and I did the cleaning and we both cleaned up the kitchen. It was a long day, due to our still being tired from yesterday. But it was nice to catch up with David and Stuart.

A few more shots from yesterday:

We followed the Mourne Wall down Pigeon Rock to a track that lead us (after a few miles) back to the car. Sections of the walk were spongy bog--you had to step on tufts of grass or rocks to not sink in. One woman put a foot wrong--not hard to do, and sunk up to her knees. It took two men to pull her out.

The photo above doesn’t quite do it justice. My boots are waterproof to a point, so I got home with my socks mostly dry. Here we are hiking down a hill to the track that leads through a valley to the car park.
