Big Day, Long Day

I left the house at 5 a.m., arriving at the airport by 5:45 (after parking and taking shuttle) for a 6:55 flight. Arrive London 8:15 am. First interview at 11:30 am. Second interview at 4 pm. Took a 9:45 pm flight back to Belfast, which was delayed. Home after midnight. That was a 20-hour day with the stress of two interviews. More tired than I can describe.

I think the interviews went well, but it doesn’t matter what I think. Both companies are interviewing other candidates and you never know when the competition is an employee’s college roommate or enjoys an “in” that you don’t have. The first interview was an hour and a quarter, the second was two and a quarter hours, including a 30-minute writing test.

But what you really want is photos, amiright?

The train took me to London Bridge station. I needed to walk to Tower Bridge. This arcade lead to the Thames.

Cool ship sculpture:

I don’t own a selfie stick so I did this old-fashioned thing and asked someone to take my photo. I guess that doesn’t happen much anymore. I really enjoyed walking along the Thames.
