Betty does Derry

The morning began with the plantsman planting a wonderful array of geraniums, coreopsis, rudbeckia, fuchsia, salvia and boxwood. Photos to come at a later date.

Mom & I hit the road to Derry and spent three-plus hours visiting Sean and Peggy O'Dwyer, whom mom has known for more than 40 years. We left Ireland in 1980 and they have stayed in touch ever since. Here they are in the O'Dwyers' dining room:

Mom and Peggy toured the gardens while Sean and I solved the world's problems. He founded the Alliance Party in Derry, a mark of sanity, and he has written a short treatise on reforming taxation of multi-national corporations, so we had a lot to chat about. Mom was delighted to catch up with her friends, see all the family photos, and find everyone doing so well. Sean is one of 13 children and the O'Dwyer family reunion attracts no less than 145 people.

Then we took a stroll through the former Ebrington Barracks down to the lovely Peace Bridge.

Dinner downtown on the much-bombed Strand, which sports a foodie haven, Brown's in Town. The menu will make you salivate. On to our lovely hotel for a good night's sleep.