Betty does Belfast

No awards for headlines this week.

Our day began with a visit from Hillary--prior owner of the house. She had dinner last night with Carrie, across the street, and spent the night with her, so I told her to stop by to visit mom. I was nervous about whether she would like what we've done with her house, but I needn't have worried. She loved every room. Whew.

Then we took mom to St. George's Market for lunch.

It's full of artists and bakers and a live band--very festive.
Then on to Queen's.

On the other side of Lanyon is the quad. North side:

West side:

We also visited the new Graduate Center, then to Botanic Gardens, where we entered the steamy Palm House:

Our final stop was Belfast Castle:

Which has a lovely garden (Belfast below in the background).

Home, dinner, then Michael and Faye from next door stopped by. Everyone has been wanting to meet my mom, so I'm glad she has already met the neighbours and the former owner.