Betty > Belfast

I have been trying for a few months to figure out the rules for an American flying into Dublin and then traveling to Belfast, in the UK. The rules have changed repeatedly for England vs. Northern Ireland, vs. Ireland. Not one who deals well with complexity, I turned to a travel agent recommended by a friend. For a few months, her advice was to wait until there was more certainty.  Then she went AWOL.

I tried again to figure out how to get the results for mom's PCR test before she flew and how to fill out a locator form for her, based on the Irish rules requiring that a link be sent to her (nonexistent) cellphone.

Long story short, my estranged sister stepped in recently and offered to go to W.Va. to collect mom, bring her to Virginia,  and put her on a plane in DC. That meant two flights for mom instead of four. And my sister getting the pre-flight test and documentation sorted, including Ireland's locator form (which has different requirements to Northern Ireland's locator form). Upshot: mom is to arrive 20 September. She will stay for a month, making up for last year's non-visit.

I'm very excited this is finally going to happen. Not as likely to have good weather as earlier in the summer, but you never know. I've booked a week in Donegal, with a few outings already planned while there. I'm also thinking a long weekend in Newcastle might be in order.

ATM focused on an ambitious list of things to do around the house. The car needs to be serviced (dashboard warning light). The dog needs a rabies shot (to go across the border into Donegal--Thanks Brexit!). The fence needs to be painted, and the new vertical gardens planted. The hedges need to be trimmed. The stairs need painting. Silver needs polishing.  Three projects await an electrician. On and on. But what gets done gets done. I'm playing golf 2-3 times a week, so the reality is not much is getting done. Maybe I'll take a week off from golf and up my productivity.

Feeling very blessed to be able to have mom visit after two years of uncertainty.

Late August