Best laid plans

Sunday morning another lovely breakfast--salmon for mom--then we visited the People's Park near the hotel. I regret not photographing the food--gorgeous pastries both French and English inspired. I bought a few books (because the stacks of unread books I own aren't high enough) then I had a look at the statue across from the park.

I thought it would be James Joyce because the Martello tower where he began writing Ulysses is just up the coast. However it was of Roger Casement, first knighted by the British for his human rights investigations in the Congo and Peru, but later executed by the British for supporting the Easter Rising, the beginning of the end of British rule in Ireland.

So apparently it's a thing to enter the water down a set of steps to the right of the statue, swim out and then exit via a ladder behind the statue. Water temperature 46 degrees F.

Our holiday happiness was interrupted by a text that my poor wee dog sustained a deep cut to his chest, requiring two staples. Mom was ready to hit the road, so we packed up and went home to this poor wee babby.

The upshot of this news is I cancelled my Weds-Sat trip to London. I can't ask someone else to care for him in this state. As luck would have it, my friend Ann also cancelled the plan to take mom to Derry to visit her parents because her mother isn't well. So we are staying put this week.

Today, Wednesday, was sunny so we went for a fairly long walk up my street and around the corner to say hi to Thea. Tonight, we took a break from our nightly progress through Strictly Come Dancing to watch the Great British Sewing Bee. We watched the season finale of the first season, when an 81-year-old woman with exquisite tailoring skills won. An experienced sewer, mom enjoys watching the contestants construct their garments.

25 Jan