Belfast Bound

Today is Easter Sunday. I spent the first two hours editing the final report, then took a train to Luton Airport and flew home. A lot easier than dealing with two buses to Stansted. David collected me at the airport, and it was nice to get home and relax.

I was so tired I watched some TV. Britain has great comedy panels and on one of them (Have I Got News for You), they showed a clip about one of the comedy panel members, a woman who was first famous for being on an English version of Jersey Shore. Then she was on I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, where celebrities are put in a jungle and repeatedly humiliated. Imagine having your head in a big glass bowl full of spiders. Or eating camel anus. Or maggots. On TV. And then having your performance voted on by the public.

What is wrong with people? Why is this entertainment? Sometimes I feel a bit lost in understanding the world I live in. Even though it’s April 1, this is not an April Fool’s joke.