Before and after

Here's the front yard before. Notice the black hose on the ground designating the future lawn. Also note that this photo was taken on my computer so is back to front.

Here's a "during" shot, when a new water line is being laid. The front door is now on the right, where it belongs.

And after. The lawn was put in nearly four weeks ago but has been slow to get going because it's been cold for this time of year. There are two small beds planted last week that will be a lot more colourful when they fill in.

As for today, I got up at 5:30 a.m. and sanded, vacuumed, and painted the stairs. I didn't know when Ryan was coming; he arrived at 9 a.m. when the paint was still drying. We agreed he'd come back Monday afternoon, which is great because I have time to do more spackling and a second coat of paint. Then mom and I went to Holywood, where we had lunch and shopped in charity shops, florists, and interior design shops. Thankfully, a more relaxing day than yesterday.