Because I Said So

Which is a film starring Diane Keaton about her relationship with her three daughters. Mom and I watched it tonight on her Fire. It was pretty good. I’m hoping mom sees that the Fire gives her opportunities to control what and when she watches, instead of being at the mercy of what’s on TV (often nothing of interest).

In looking back at recent posts, I think they distort the reality of my daily life by focusing too much on what irritates me. I don’t actually go around being annoyed by things all the time, if anything I elevate the littlest things that offer beauty, particularly birds. And dogs. And trees. And people who do nice things for each other. But when it comes to writing about what strikes me as important, I do tend to the negative. It reminds me of my journalism days. One of the reasons I wanted out of journalism was that reporters did a lot of carping and moaning about the world around them--politicians, editors, PR flacks. I wanted to get away from that. But maybe a professional liability of being a writer with a journalistic eye is that you focus on the contradictions or the hypocrisies or the seven deadly sins. A writer with a poetic bent would no doubt offer a different daily focus, perhaps something more microscopic and miraculous or philosophical. I should probably readjust my lens. But my sensitivities run to what is unfair or unkind and that is probably what sticks with me most.

One purpose of this blog is to be a record of an interesting time in my life--starting over in Northern Ireland--that I can access when I’m old and grey (greyER) and will enjoy looking back. So, note to future self, I had a lovely two weeks with my mom and was very aware of my good fortune in having so much time to spend with her when we both remain of sound mind and body. She makes me laugh and she’s a good sport (nut roast for Christmas!) and she wants the best for me, as I do for her. It’s a unique relationship and I’m very grateful for it because not everybody gets that package and I certainly didn’t appreciate her when I was younger.

Dec. 30