
David is away for a week of painting in Wexford at the very southern tip of the republic. He took me to church this morning on his way out of town and I took the bus home. The heavens opened while I was on the bus--violent, noisy rain. By the time I got to my stop, there was no let up. I huddled in the bus shelter until it slowed to light rain. I tried to take Cabin Hill Road toward my house and it was flooded. So I took my shoes off and walked home barefoot, about a 15 minute walk. I found this funny because being barefoot in July in the U.S. would be pretty normal. But here it was a bit chilly and my feet weren’t entirely happy on the pavement. But I put myself into a summer frame of mind and I was fine.
David and Stuart had me over for dinner, which meant they collected me and took me home. Nothing like having a chef and a chauffeur in my life. Photos from yesterday’s stroll at Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Rose Garden.

The garden is an international trial garden. It’s fun to compare French, Irish, English, Danish, German roses.
