
Morning: leader of a major Swiss retailer talks about the coalition it is part of (1,400 retailers) that does independent audits of 26,000 supplier factories around the world.

Afternoon: Trade union leader (with 12mm members) talks about levers it pulls to improve working conditions. Main topic: World Cup in Qatar and Kafala system, which is akin to slavery and is widespread in the Middle East.

Class ends at 3:30 pm today. Go back to pension and study? Or join three Poles, a Dane, and a Kenyan on a trip to the lake for a swim and boat ride? I did the sensible thing and went swimming, feeling cool for the first time since I got here.

About two blocks from here is the Swiss Borse. Weird. Below are four of my fellow students.

The boat called at docks all around the lake. It was 360 degrees of lovely.

My moot court subgroup is made up of two very eager beavers from the Netherlands and Brazil, so would it be terrible for me to let them do the work? Getting motivated would be easier if I had a quiet, cool place to study. But I don't.