Bank Holiday

Today is a bank holiday, just a few weeks after another bank holiday. Not sure what the origin of the bank holidays is, but the atmosphere is festive. Everyone’s pretty chill.

David and I went for a bike ride to Daft Eddie’s on the Ards Peninsula. You sit and have lunch on a hill overlooking Whiterock, a picturesque little town on a bay. Just lovely. Home to Strangford Lough Yacht Club. 27 miles round trip. I’m only able to do that b/c I have an awesome Trek bike--which I shelled out on after my last bike was mangled in a car-bike accident. And I have a female-tailored saddle, which keeps my buns happy.

And tonight I went to a wonderful swing dance featuring the Belfast Jazz Orchestra, which was fantastic. This is my second dance and I was so happy to see Linda, Rhoda, Diane, Gary, Juan... all people I’d met at the last dance. All really nice. It’s tough going somewhere by yourself not knowing whether you’ll see a friendly face or not.