
On Sunday 18 Aug, I played with my partner Michelle in the Minor Foursomes Ulster South final. But first we went for practice rounds on the preceding Monday and Friday. Here we are with the Mournes in the distance.

Banbridge is a tricky course. A road goes through it, so there are high fences on two holes to protect the road, maybe 60 or 80 yards in front of the tee boxes. There's a par 3 surrounded by bunkers with a fenced off farmyard behind it – very difficult to get on. There are several tricky dog legs where it's difficult to line up your next shot. And water in inconvenient places.

So I was in Banbridge on the Friday. Then to Derry on the Saturday to see Mary and attend Julie's sister's 60th birthday. Then back to Banbridge on Sunday for the match. We lost the match to Banbridge – who had a significant advantage on their home course. But we made it to the 16th hole, so heads high. Two other pairs made it to the 17th. When three of the four pairs lost, it was over.

Then back to Shandon for a meal and a lot of drinking. I woke up the next morning aching and tired. Felt worse on Tuesday and worse on Wednesday. I thought it was just a bad cold but it's a Covid cold. Turns out the birthday party was a super spreader event.

I worked Mon-Weds but today, Thursday, I called in sick. I'm more than halfway through the 125-page content for a course on biodiversity. The rest can wait. In the meantime I'm reading a great book, The Covenant of Water by the brilliant Verghese. Also sleeping a lot.

One more random photo from two weeks ago, out for dinner with my buddy Eddis. I haven't seen her since and I miss her but, until I'm negative, I'll have to quarantine.

22 Aug