
One of June's highlights was a weekend trip to Ballymascanlon for two rounds of golf, 36 holes. I've never played that much golf before. I played better on day two, so back-to-back golf is probably a good idea.

On day two I was in a foursome, two men, two women--me and Helen. I had the photo above taken, however it doesn't do justice to the difficulty of this hole, A lake on the right side of the fairway. Then a river perpendicular to the fairway in between the lake and the green. And three bunkers around the green. Why they didn't throw in fire breathing dragons, I don't know.

This photo is just to convey how lovely the course was.

This was an impossible shot. One of the foursome kindly pointed out to me that I should chip out to the side, given that the lip of the bunker was inverted. The ball would basically have to go horizontally toward me then vertically then curve toward the pin.

Sometime in June