Back to the Lagan

For nearly two years I’ve had people tell me I should join the Belfast Dynamos, a hiking group within MeetUp. I joined it maybe six months ago. Today I went on my first hike with them. There were about 40 of us on the hike. Here are our pace setters.

It was not a fast walk, the point was to meet people. I had substantial conversations with maybe five or six people--proud of myself because I’m not great at mixing. It was great to enjoy beautiful scenery with a friendly group of people. There were two blind women on the walk. They used their canes on the paved bits and were led by people when we went off trail. This meant they could let their guide dogs loose. I don’t think I’ve ever seen two such incredibly happy dogs. In and out of the Lagan, racing around meadows, jumping all over each other. I think it is fantastic that a walking group facilitated these two women joining us. It reflects very well on the Dynamos who gave them lifts to and from the walk and who accompanied them on the five mile hike. I also am in awe of people who move through the world without sight.
This is me posing with a carved dragon. There were random carvings through Minnowburn Woods--a reserve bordering Lagan Meadows that I’d never visited before. Which is another point of hiking groups--learning about secret spots.
