Back in the saddle

I've finished the first two weeks of a six-week half-semester. I'm taking two environmental law classes and one class on approaches to legal research. The readings have been deadly, as usual. I know more than I ever expected to about carbon trading, the Kyoto Protocol, stranded assets, and carbon leakage. I also know a little about rational choice theory, game theory, legal realism, historical institutionalism, socio-legal theoretical frameworks and other stuff I need to learn in preparation for my dissertation. We have to pick a theoretical framework from which we generate our methodology, which will give rise to the hypothesis that we will examine in 20,000 words or less. Pretty straightforward, right?

I got my grades today. British grades are difficult to translate into US equivalents because the marks are relatively low. I think I got two Bs and two As. I'll take it. I'll be interested to read the qualitative feedback as I really wasn't sure if my approach to writing research papers is what they were looking for. I'm eager for guidance.