Baby Nash

Wednesday was travel. David drove me to city centre, then the bus to Dublin, long wait, flight to Toronto (watched Black Panther, Sherlock Gnomes, McQueen), long wait, flight to Columbus, no wait, my mom and the woman who cleans her house and the woman’s husband were my greeting party. We get in my mom's car and immediately get lost. Very lost. The cleaner’s husband, who is driving, doesn’t know how to get out of Columbus. By the time I’m home, I’ve traveled over 22 hours--and I hadn’t slept the night before I left. So I was beyond miserable.

Thursday was get stuff in the mail day and write 15 Christmas cards day and participate in three Climate Action 100+ calls day. One of the calls was the steering committee, which I am now coordinator of. More than 15 people on the call from all over the world. My predecessor took notes today, but January it’ll be me trying to record a 90-minute meeting and get out the meeting packet three days before the meeting. Gulp.

Here are the presents I brought back for my nephew’s baby, born just a few weeks ago.

It’s a wee aran sweater and hat and even cuter in person. Then this:

And finally, the obligatory Man United football outfit, given my nephew’s obsession with the team.

Friday was swimming at the Y in the morning then lunch at the Blennerhassett Hotel in downtown Parkersburg with mom and her neighbours, Connie, Sandy, and Sandy. Lots of fudge and peanut brittle and Swiss chocolates exchanged. I’m glad I’m here to help mom eat all this stuff. The chat was mainly about the health of various women they all know. For the record, I’ll note that my mom’s health is extraordinary. At 86, she is going strong. No serious complaints. I am so happy for her to be able to live just as she wants--to be mobile, social, and as engaged in the world as she desires. So many people her age become increasingly isolated as their mobility and health fail.
19-21 December