Autumn Flair

This post is dedicated to my mom, who has made so many families happy down the years by smocking an outfit to be worn by the family’s youngest member. These dresses, gowns, bonnets, and little boy overalls became heirlooms in many families, preserved for future generations. What a gift to be able to make such things and what a gift to share those talents with others.

Which brings me to Botanic Gardens, where the annual autumn harvest fair was held. The big tent included dozens of tables showcasing the blue ribbon winner in categories ranging from pumpkins to cacti to dahlias to onions, and so on. The Women’s Institute, set up as an educational and social organisation for farmers’ wives (who probably also count as farmers) sponsors a competition for the best laid table. The theme this year was 100 year anniversaries, which include the anniversaries of WWI and women’s right to vote. Each table must display a sampler, a smocked dress, a cake, biscuits, and a flower arrangement.

Here we have the winner:

A close up:

Notice that the hat is a cake covered in marzipan:

Each cake had a slice pulled out just a bit, which caused bit of mouth watering on my part. This entry is decorated in poppies to commemorate those who died on French battlefields (tens of thousands of Ulstermen).

This sampler caught my eye.

"Three things there are that will never come back. The arrow shot forth on its destined track: The appointed hour that could not wait: and The helpful word that was spoken too late."

My mom used to do samplers as well as smocking. I have one of her loveliest samplers above my bed, which is a wonderful way to keep her close when I am so far.