Ards Peninsula

I have not written in the blog for a month! I'm going to do a few random posts. What I learned from mom's photo album is the blog is a good resource for recalling  the past, particularly the fun bits. Here's another of my whole-is-greater-than-the-sum-of-the-parts bouquets. Irises, geranium, azalea, forget me nots.

So another bike ride, this one down the Ards Peninsula.

I sat on a this shore for a while and just let the stress of work melt off me.

I'd say the responsibilities of the job just keep increasing and I'm doing my best to keep up. I'm really fortunate in that I have a sympathetic boss. I think it's just that, as you get older, it's harder to run faster to keep up with all the young 'uns.

Late May/early June