Ards Friary, Killahoey & Derry

We covered a lot of ground today. As usual, I was up early while mom slept. I had a gorgeous walk at Ards Friary. It's possible Paddy loves Ards Friary more than I do. There are two beaches for him to swim on and a beautiful forest full of things for him to smell.

I can't resist taking photos of him because he is so happy. I could power my house using the energy generated by his tail.

Here is one of the beaches. There is a deep drop from the beach shelf, causing a churn in the waves as they hit the beach. I only sent him in three times, then we walked through the forest.

This is the beginning of the other beach, from which you can see Downings beach across the inlet. Around the corner there's a proper strand.

I hopped out of the car to take this picture on the drive back along the inlet. It looks so idyllic.

Back to the cottage, made breakfast, then mom and I went to Killahoey beach near Dunfanaghy.

Mom did another one of her impressive beach walks, while Paddy chased his Frisbee. Mom is the dot in the distance below. She walked well past that green mound on the left to be able to see all the way to Dunfanaghy.

Then into Dunfanaghy for lunch--soup for mom at Muck and Muffins with wheaten bread. One last photo from the beach:

Back to the cottage to pack up, clean up, and hit the road. In Derry we were total tourists.

After these photos we had lunch at the Sandwich Co. then mom visited a gift shop while I got Paddy out for a wee walk.

Derry was looking lovely – Legenderry – in the October sunshine. I took a photo of mom on Pump Street, which is mentioned in a Derry Girls plot line.

St. Columb's Cathedral was looking very smart today.

Onwards to Belfast. It was a long day but a wonderful end to a perfect getaway. After all the tribulations and trepidations of getting mom here, it was great to be able to share some of my favourite places with her. Four beaches in four days, mostly in sunshine. Not bad.

Oct. 5