Another festival!

At today's autumn festival at Botanic Gardens, we ran into a woman from church. I told her I've never been anywhere that has so many festivals. She said this is all recent, since the troubles. I said there must be a lot of suppressed talent. "Or suppressed happiness," she replied.

Thankfully, I forgot my camera. So you will not see hundreds of dahlias grown by the dahlia society--all colors, shapes, and sizes. Also many varieties of fuschia, gladioli, leeks, pumpkins, onions, apples, pears, zucchini, etc. There were also autumnal flower arrangements on par with the Philadelphia Flower Show (without the $35 admission). Also little tables set for tea in a competition among the Women's Institute chapters. Lots of lace, fine china, silver tea services, scones, flower arrangements, and embroidered napkins. Fetching.

We ate veggie burgers and listened to bands play and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. Lots of children and dogs running around--all very festive, as have been the last four festivals we attended this weekend. It was so hot, I felt my skin burning, which is not common here.

The next time it rains, I promise to post some dreary photos. Mike Donahue feels my reportage is very slanted, so I will try to provide some Fair and Balanced coverage.