Attempted bookishness

So today I read through all 72 events that are part of the Belfast Book Festival. Almost all of the events sound good. I narrowed the list to 14. I go online and book the first six events, paying 35 pounds. The first two events are on Thursday of this coming week, the day I get back from London (I leave tomorrow).
Because I’m writing this a week later, I can inform you that I forgot to go to the first two events, a waste of 19 pounds. The trip to London was exhausting and, when I got home, I longed to go to bed more than anything. I did a few hours of Preventable Surprises work, had dinner and wine, and went to bed. Even had I remembered the events I’d booked, I had zero enthusiasm for “a fascinating and insightful discussion from one of the world’s leading experts on modern Islam,” nor would I have been stoked to hear a political scientist discuss the two-state solution for Israel.