Andrei, Korush, Reza, Frizzi

After I left Fat Beehive yesterday, I wanted to get something to eat on the way back to the BnB. It was cold and raining and I didn't want to have to go back out for food. I crossed Hackney Road, heading to a kebab shop for a falafel wrap. I passed a small cafe, from which emanated a complex stew of aromas, something in the Mediterranean canon. I went in and met Andrei, the merriest chef I have ever met. "What would you like, my dear?" I said I didn't know. I told him I was a vegetarian and he offered tomato soup with sherry, or vegetable lasagna. I asked what smelled so good and he waved to the ovens, "Unfortunately, that is the beef and chicken." He said I should come back after 7 pm. He would serve me a very good meal, I could sit with his friends, and there would be live music. He clearly would not take no for an answer, so I left and came back at 7:30 p.m. Where I met Korush and Reza, from Iran, and Reza's wife Frizzi, from Germany. Over the next three hours, I was served five courses of amazing food while getting to know my charming and wordly companions. There was no menu. I had no idea what the price would be. At the end of the night, we were each asked to pay 20 pounds, which seemed like a bargain.

I left feeling giddy (partly due to wine). It is a real treat when you travel on business to have a very sociable evening with an interesting group of people. Reza is a film maker and animator who wants to be the Greta Thunberg of animation. I've sent him a few links to look at, particularly The Story of Stuff. Korush is planning to climb Mt. Everest later this ear. Frizzi is just back from a trip to Thailand that sounded amazing. Andrei told me to friend him on Facebook so I could let him know when I'll be back. If only I had a place in Belfast like this--amazing food and someone who creates a very sociable environment. There are no strangers in Cafe 12. I can't wait to go back.

I worked for a bit this morning at PRI, including a meeting with my manager where I learned that PRI will pick up my travel expenses in the future. Woo hoo! That is like getting a 10% raise. Today was a perfect reason why. My flight was at 1:55 pm out of Stansted, requiring me to leave at 11 a.m. to get the Stansted Exprss to the airport. If PRI were paying, I'd fly out of London City, which is much closer to the office, but the flights are more expensive. I'd also be likely to fly at 6 pm or 7 pm, also more expensive flights, but less disruptive to the work day.

The flight home was delayed an hour. Then the shuttle bus then the local bus then a 15 minute walk home. So happy to see my waggy tailed buddy. And to climb into my own bed. So very tired.

May 3