And we’re off

Last year started in Barcelona, giving me a feeling the year would involve a lot of travel, and it did. This year the pace is being set by my new job.

Wednesday I went through more than 100 emails. Thursday I was on three conference calls, one of which was a discussion of what success would look like for me in my first six months. Friday I sent out minutes I took for two of yesterday's meetings. Then I set up two meetings for Anne Simpson, chair of the steering committee. One involved preparing one of our allies for a speech at Davos. Then I sent out six invites to the steering committee and staff for two meetings in January, two in February, two in March. Each invite had eight fields that needed information entered correctly. So 48 opportunities to screw up with invites going to about 45 people all over the world.

As far as I'm aware, the only screw up was the two March meetings. Different continents have daylight savings time shifts on different dates. So the times are all wonky. I set the times in the UK and the calendar automatically adjusted for everyone else's time zones in January and February. But not in March. It's going to take me half of Monday to get my head around how to a) understand what's going on and b) figure out how to fix it. Apparently, time zones are out of sync in Australia alone for a short period.

This will be a year of growth, as they say.

Jan. 2-4