An outing

This week has mostly been about freelance work, writing up performance summaries for American mutual funds. It has also been about organising my mom’s trip to Ireland in June. And I read a 60-page study of fossil-free investment options aimed at institutional investors. The study was done by Mercer. I was hoping for some in-depth analysis of how FF funds compare to mainstream options in terms of concentration risk, liquidity, volatility, etc. I was going to use it to help Queen’s Fossil Free in their advocacy with Queen’s trustees to divest from carbon stocks. What I found is that Mercer isn’t going to give that kind of analysis away. You have to hire them to help you reposition your portfolio if you want that kind of insight. Sigh.

After too many days alone, I went into the city today to have tea with Diarmuid Kennedy, my favourite librarian at Queen’s, and Ciara Hackett, my thesis advisor. They both said very encouraging things regarding my job search. They both serve on interview panels at Queen’s so they shared what they consider effective answers to the standard questions you get asked in an interview.