An entertaining weekend

Last night I went to a bar called the Empire to hear a band called the Black Market Icons. Unfortunately there were boxing matches on before and after their performance, which lasted only a half hour. The band recommenced after a 12-round fight in which local boy Carl Frampton won a second world title (bantamweight). I really enjoyed the band but hightailed it after the first set because I didn’t want to be in a packed bar full of drunk men yelling at TV screens where boxers were pummelling each other. I think boxing is barbaric. From what I know, Carl’s a real hero--from Belfast’s toughest community. He’s Protestant and is coached by a former Catholic boxing champ--so he has fans across the sectarian divide. But that doesn’t make me want to watch him and another guy land punches on each other.

Tonight I went to see the Nualas, three women from Dublin who sing hilarious songs. They are technically very good--tight harmonies--but their songs are all send-ups of one thing or another. I was in stitches all night--nice change from the night before. Here are the lovely Nualas:

And back to the Mournes for a few parting shots; heading home:

One more of the overflow bell mouth.
