A is for Andrea, who led the MeetUp hike I went on today with about 50 people. B is for Bosco, her loyal dog (at her feet in this photo). C is for Cavehill, one of the mountains that overlook Belfast.

You can see the city in the background from the top of Cavehill, where I took this photo.
This view is looking back at the top of Cavehill, where the previous photo was taken.

We hiked for about three hours then had tea and scones. As always, I met several interesting people. I gave a lift to a woman in her 30s from Zambia originally who now lives in Lisburn with her sister (who married an Ulsterman). She moved to Ulster after burning out at her job in Cambridge. I also met a woman in her 40s who is originally from Yorkshire. She was adopted at birth and moved to Belfast a few years ago after connecting with her birth mother and siblings. I also met a retired American--a wealthy Trump supporter whom I couldn’t get away from fast enough.
It was an absolutely gorgeous day. When I got home, I turned around and took Maysie to Crawfordsburn beach for a walk. I was so tired when I got home it was lights out by 9 p.m.