A steamy Valentine's Day

Yes, you guessed it. We steamed off yards and yards of wallpaper.

Most of the rooms are done so we are focused on the hallways.

Then we went to Marks & Sparks and got another Valentine's dinner for two. We were worn out not so much from stripping paper, but we also took Maysie on a long walk along Belfast Lough.
We did a section I've never walked before going from Cultra west toward Helen's Bay. It was just beautiful. Very rocky and steep, more like the Antrim coast than North Down.
I've loved how the mild winter allows us to enjoy our walk every day. It's rare that the weather is so bad you don't want to walk. Then again, the glen and the coast are sheltered so even if you encounter bad weather up in the village, you don't get it as much down by the water.