A rose is a rose

Today we looked at some Belfast townhouses, visited some Belfast parks, then went to a house warming party at the home of one of David's co-workers, Helen. I helped Helen strip wallpaper one day and David and I helped her paint another day, so it was exciting to see her place take shape over the months.

The highlight of the day was the Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon park, 130 acres of gardens, mostly rose gardens. International trials are held here to identify the hardiest and loveliest roses in multiple categories (tea, hybrid, climbing, fragrant). It was wonderful to sniff my way around the fragrant garden and enjoy previous winners in the heritage garden, such as the Beauty of Belfast, below.

Many of the heritage roses were bred by two families that have grown roses in Northern Ireland for four generations.

It's international rose week, so I will likely return to the garden this week to enjoy live music.