A must-buy musket

The morning was hijacked by the carpet runner man, Ryan, who showed up, measured, and cut our runners. Then mom and I went to Ross Auctions for preview day. There was a TV crew there filming two appraisers. Ross had a very special item on offer: an 1685 musket used at the Battle of the Boyne, when the Dutch King Billy defeated the Catholic King James II. Photos here. The musket fetched 20,000 pounds. Mom went to a lot of auctions in Derry and Coleraine in the 1970s, so this brought back some good memories.

Then mom shopped at Avoca, a shop selling Irish woollens from a mill by the same name. Then on to Joules, a quintessentially British women's clothing store. Then we met David for dinner at Robinson Cleaver, a department store in the 1970s that is now a restaurant.

Here we are after dinner in front of City Hall.