A mooo-vable feast

Moo to You is a local farm that delivers fruit, veg, baked items. And stuff I don't eat--meat, cheese, etc. I put in an order in anticipation of the Royal Visit. It arrived hours after mom was meant to be here.

I may have to do some entertaining. They do soup bags--all ingredients for, in this case, carrot and corriander soup.

Last night was my book club meeting. I went even though I was only 20% through the book, Toast by Nigel Slater. All book club members were very sorry to hear my news. I've been telling anyone who would listen that mom is coming. I was so excited after so many months of delay and confusion around the rules. I came home last night to a bouquet of sunflowers with no note. I'm guessing Eddis, as I had just told her the news before book club. I have the loveliest friends. (Eddis just called, it wasn't her. Christine?)

I have no idea of the chances of mom getting a clear test in a week. I don't really understand how covid and testing works, antigen levels, that kind of thing. What a palaver. I am a believer in silver linings. I hope the extended visit at Beth's is a gift in some way to all involved. I have also realised that the amount of work I've done in recent weeks, and mysterious lack of sleep, have left me worn to ribbons. I slept 9 hours last night and still feel tired. And now I need to get back to content coding--not my favourite thing to do. I've just had two slabs of Guinness wheaten bread and a strong cup of tea, so I'm coming round.

I was meant to play golf at 3:30 pm today--with the possibility that mom would follow in a buggie. I canceled that yesterday when I realised I had a 4pm meeting with someone in California. Playing golf wasn't a great idea if I were getting up at 4:30 a.m. to meet a 5 a.m. plane in Dublin. Given that didn't happen, I'm still happy to cancel as I have no energy.

Sept. 21