A lovely pint of Guinness

During orientation week, I took a tour of the campus led by a young man from the south of Ireland. He walked us by The Botanic Inn, a historic pub in the center of the Queen's campus, and informed us they drew a lovely pint of Guinness. He said if we were new to Belfast, that was the place to go to try our first Guinness, as they really know what they're doing there (this comes off much better in a thick brogue).

I asked David if all pints of Guinness are not created equal? He said, no, indeed, there is some art to the whole thing. I'm not a beer drinker so I'll never know.

I've yet to step inside the Botanic (better known as the BOT), but I'll get there some day. I spent today in the library finishing paper number two and formatting footnotes to paper number one. This was made more difficult by the discovery that the online folders that were full of pdfs (the 6-8 readings for each class each week) were empty. I did not realize I was supposed to download any pdfs I wanted. I had enough info to track down most of the articles in Queen's online library to get all the citation information, but what a pain.