A lively bunch for brunch

A lot of the week following my return from Spain was getting ready for an Easter Sunday brunch I hosted for six. Two grocery stores, one bakery, one florist, one wine store (champagne). Clean the house, polish the silver, mop the floors, on and on.

This arrangement was moved elsewhere in exchange for something at a friendlier height. My guests were Andrew and Christine from up the road, their neighbour Thea, Thea's friend Christine and my golfing buddy Harvey. Below are Christine on the left and Thea on the right.

I moved the sofa 90 degrees to accommodate a dining room table made longer by a leaf, allowing six to sit comfortably.

The new flower arrangement is fragrant viburnum, rhododendron and forsythia, all picked from public gardens. China from my mother, cutlery from my grandmother.

The conversation was wide ranging and as interesting as the guests. Civilisations of 15,000 years ago compared with those of 1500 years ago, for instance. The many applications of AI, particularly in translating language. Thea's upcycling triumphs.

The following day, Monday, I was off work and played golf with Valerie and Jonathan Bill, and didn't Jonathan go and hit a hole in one on the 14th? They came back to mine to celebrate, allowing me to finish off the champagne and reduce the amount of leftovers.

31 March, 1 April