A happy end

A tent with a leaky fly isn’t much good. I dried the tent and the fly in the back garden and was planning to then put them in the bin. The fly is not only leaking but the fabric is producing a snowfall of plastic flaky bits. Binning the tent made me a bit sad as that tent and I had camped in the Rockies, the Andes, and the Patagonian Mountains. Plus Pennsylvania. And now the Mournes. The bin seemed terribly disloyal.

As it happened, my neighbour Marshall’s son and grandson were visiting yesterday. Gen3, James, is probably five years old. I asked his dad if he might like a tent to goof around in--without the fly, so only in good weather. His dad said he’d be delighted. We set up the tent in Marshall’s back garden and James was a happy camper. Killing myself here.

Today was a day of domesticity, polishing my new silver set, laundry, etc. The new dining room table is kicking off many changes in my living and dining room. Today I spent much time on my hands and knees vacuuming and washing my best rug, which I had foolishly put in the conservatory a year ago, AKA the cattery. Now clean, that rug will replace another rug that was too large for the room and the wrong colour scheme. I’m reaching the 2.0 stage of the house. 1.0 involved using, as much as possible, the furniture we brought over from America. I got rid of so much before I moved here that I was determined to make good use of what I brought. However that meant forcing things--using pieces in places where they didn’t fit. The new dining room table is perfect for the dining room but necessitates some rearranging (and selling/donating a few more pieces). I’ve also enjoyed figuring out where the new paintings will go and the best place for the Staffordshire lions I got at auction. I have to take three paintings for new frames, so I’d kind of like to delay posting photos here until I’ve got the room put together. I’m pretty excited b/c for the past year, I knew the rooms were off. Now they are getting much closer to what I imagined, which is much more satisfying than the frustration of the past year.