A feast of festivals
I've been so busy house hunting and gyming since I've been here that I've ignored the growing stack of colorful booklets and brochures promoting "What's On."
Monday I sat down and read through the Festival of Fools brochure (comedy festival), the Cathedral Arts Quarter Festival, the Giro d'Italia events, the spring/summer catalog of events for North Down, the May/April "What's On" Belfast guide, the schedule of events for National Trust properties in Ulster (think of Downton Abbey becoming a public museum), and other circulars. I had to give up before I finished because who can make sense of so much activity?
The guides got me to the May Day fest, the TenX9 readings, and the two readings in Belfast. I wanted to go to one tonight called "The Luckiest Arab in Belfast" on a barge, but David and I are both worn out. The stress of deciding on a house is getting to us. I'm doing what due diligence I can think of but it isn't helping me pull the trigger, while the estate agents are putting pressure on me to get in the bidding. Sigh. More to come...