A bit nippy

Today I went in for a breast exam. In and out in less than 20 minutes. No pink gown to change into, no bins full of pink gowns to be laundered, no locker to put your things into. You walk into the X-ray room, whip off your top, do the deed, put your top back on, and leave. No forms to fill out. Just quick and easy.

But also painful. The radiographer says “This will be a bit nippy” as each breast is squeezed in a vise. For the second pair of X-rays--the sideways view--she says “This will be a bit nippier,” and it indeed it was. I wonder what happens if you faint while your breast is in the jaws of the machine?

In the afternoon I took Paddy for his second round of vaccines (his first was done by his prior owner). He is also a bit nippy, and I have punctures in my hands to prove it. He is such a wriggler that I have a hard time getting a photo of him. Here’s one I caught of him asleep:
