9 lives

If a cat has 9 lives, i wonder how many I have. I think a fair few more. On 28 sept. I took my fourth ambulance ride to A&E. Is that excessive for a 62 year old? i dont know. But when i add a lot of near ambulance rides, i do wonder if my luck runs out at some point. I can think of three bad falls while running, all in the past decade (tree roots twice, Paddy once). Maybe thats the upside of not running anymore.

First 2 ambulances were after being thrown from a horse as a pre teen and teen. Third was a car-bike accident in 2008. I used up a few of my cat lives that year. Fourth was the most stupid. Cycling to meet friend Julie in Titanic Quarter for a coffee. I dont know the area well and, stupidly, checked my phone as i cycled along a private lane (no cars). I did not see a small ramp in front of me and my bike flipped me off upon hitting the ramp. This happened behind the SSE Arena, where Les Mis was starting. Heres me saturday night.

Eventually an ambulance came. Eventually i was seen in a very busy emergency department at the Royal Victoria. Accident 1:30 pm Sat. Admitted to hospital 5pm ish? Released 24 hours later after lots of tests. Minor fracture in right arm. Will heal 3-6 weeks? Partial tendon tear in left arm. Next doc visit will be 11 oct. to discuss whether treatment needed for tendon.

I count myself lucky in 100 ways. Damage could have been much worse. I am mostly able to sleep at night bc shoulders, hips fine. I cant drive or walk Paddy but my dog walkers have him covered. And my friends have rallied. I have a fridge full of soup and pasta. And a heart full of gratitude. I manage on my own quite well, but lack strength in my hands or free movement of my arms. Washing hair is difficult, for instance.

I'm including my sad hospital photos from 24 hours of misery as an admonishment to myself to have a bit more sense. Cell phones have become an extension of our hands, to our peril. I look at my phone while going up and down the stairs of my house, another invitation to disaster. I need to see that the addictive need to look at that screen is as dangerous as any addiction. While in the hospital i had to endure repeated jabs with needles. I hate needles and have a condition that makes them worse (vasovagal syncope). So i must avail of the wisdom gained over the past 6 decades to not put myself into another situation where I am a pin cushion.

While berating phones, they come in handy when arranging for your friends to come get you and take you home, as Ann and Shaun did. Then Eddis spent the first night with me, setting me up for a functional week. Team Paddy was activated while i was still in the ambulance.

I worked last week, at a reduced pace – one-hand typing. And will work next week. In the meantime i have lots of books and lovely bouquets.

And a constant awareness of how lucky I am. In addition to my first three helpers, 12 more have visited with food or taken me to medical appointments or taken Paddy and I to a park. Plus flowers from two more people.

These many acts of kindness are a powerful antidote for me to the tragic events in so many countries. At at a low point in the hospital i sang one of my favourite UU hymns. When love prevails on heaven and earth, how can i keep from singing.

28 sep to 6 oct