5+5 continued
And now 5 random things I like about living here.
- Ulster accents
- The way everyone says something to you as you pass on the trail. Example: "It'll not be long now 'til the rain comes." It never did rain yesterday, but that's what one man said as he passed.
- Everyone seems to have at least one dog. People are big on walking and it's gotten to where, if I see someone without a dog, I wonder where their dog is.
- The showers at Aurora are on a pulse system. You push a button and you get water for 33 seconds. Then it stops. Press again if you need to rinse some more. At the Y, I was constantly going from shower stall to shower stall turning off showers that people had left on.
- Crawfordsburn Glen. Did I mention there's a viaduct for the train that runs between Bangor and Belfast? Nothing like some historical architectural elements to make your walk interesting.
Two more Crawforsburn glen photos: