5 plus, 5 minus
Every now and again I'm going to play a game in which, very quickly, I come up with five things I don't like about living here and five things I do. These are the first things that come to mind. Here goes:
Don't like:
The tea towels don't dry anything. They're an oddly non-absorbent fabric. What's the point of that? I also bought sponges, albeit cheap ones, that don't absorb water. Isn't that the point of a sponge? And the cat litter doesn't clump.
The changing rooms at Aurora are for both genders. I find this weird. After I shower, I walk to my locker to get my clothes while wrapped in a towel, a time when I might see fully clothed older men, teenage boys, staff (all male, somehow) mopping the floors. Then I get dressed in a tiny stall, like a bathroom stall. It's very strange. At the Y, you change in a shared open space with other women, not in a tiny stall and not in a locker room shared with guys.
The clothes washer is small so I need to do laundry more often.
I don't know what temperature it's been since I arrived b/c I don't know how to mentally convert from celsius to fahrenheit. I also don't know how much weight I lift at the gym b/c I don't know kilogram to pounds. I also have to reprogram the treadmill each time because I know my target minutes per mile, not minutes per kilometer. I can't figure out how to work the iron.
Every time I want to see a house, I have to call the estate agent listing that house. That agent then calls the vendor (the person selling the house) to see when is good for them. The agent calls me back to offer me times. I pick one. The agent calls the vendor to confirm and then calls me back to confirm with me. Multiply that by the 15 houses I've inquired about (not all of which are available for showing). It's a fairly tedious process.
Tomorrow: Five likes.