5 nights, 5 beds

Saturday night I was in my own bed. Sunday night at the Columbus airport hotel. Monday night at mom's in Parkersburg. Here was lunch after I arrived on Monday:

I love fresh corn, so I was thrilled. Mom spends most of her days on her porch in good weather and it reflects her good taste.

Tuesday morning we were up and away, making it to Somerset Pennsylvania by 11 a.m. for lunch with my old friend Bobbi. Onwards to Villanova, PA by 4 p.m. for a party given by my Aunt Kathleen. My cousins Mimi, Mary Lou, Judy, Bill, Casey, me, Phil.

Aunt Kathleen is an entertainer par excellence, so the house and gardens were gorgeous and the food amazing. Below we also have spouses, one cousin's daughter, and the two matriarchs.

Tuesday night we stayed at Aunt Kathleen's then Wednesday mom and Aunt Kathleen continued to catch up on lots of mutual acquaintances, and we watched the procession of the Queen's coffin to Westminster Cathedral. Wednesday afternoon we drove to Atlantic City. First order of business was a sub for mom at the best sub shop, the White House.

We drove by the Casey family home on Plaza Place then found our B&B in Ventnor near the Oxford, where my grandfather lived at the end of his life. We went for a walk on the beach and walked in the surf. We didnt't swim as the waves were a bit pushy and mom was worried about being knocked over. Then we had an early night in my fifth bed in five days. Below is the White House, a classic NJ sub shop.  

Wednesday night was my first proper night of sleep since Friday night. I was too stressed to sleep Saturday night prior to my flight. Sunday and Monday nights I woke up at 2 a.m., not adjusting well to the time change. I think Tuesday night I made it until 5 a.m., but we went to bed late. Wednesday night was something like 10 hours. I woke up singing this morning (Thursday), full of energy.

Today we took a rolling car on the boardwalk. We walked through a casino (Hard Rock Cafe), which had lots of rock n roll memorabilia. Then we took a tram that ran the length of the boardwalk, at least from the most northern to the most southern casino. We got off at Convention Hall, where mom worked one summer--home of the Miss America pageant. We went to the tourist info office there and confirmed my online findings that not much happens in Altantic City entertainment wise, except for Fri & Sat nights. We then visited a few shops at the outlet mall on the way back to the BnB.

My trip down memory lane included a visit to Steel Pier, where I worked as a teenager.

I can't remember which ride I worked on, bumper cars? My friend Julie worked at the carousel. My favourite memory was food related--Sicilian pizza and amazing breakfasts made by the Greek cooks that ran the food stalls.

Steel Pier wasn't open, either because it was too early, or because it's Thursday, or because of Covid? Who knows.

We picked up lunch at Wawa and went back to the BnB for late lunch then a long nap. Then we went to the beach again with beach chairs, where we met a very chatty woman named Nancy. We enjoyed watching the ocean and the few walkers at the edge of the surf. It is very hot out and I am not a fan of getting a lot of sun--neither one of us brought sun block, nor did we have an umbrella. I am however looking forward to spending tonight in the same bed as last night. Dinner at the same restaurant where we have our breakfasts (part of the BnB package).

Sept. 13-15