4 big news items

My decorating obsession has squeezed out a few important items.

Yesterday, Climate Action 100+ published its Net Zero Company Benchmark, the new industry standard for measuring corporate progress--or lack thereof--on transitioning away from carbon. In the newsletter I sent to 1,200 people yesterday (signatories, staff), I called it Ground Zero on Net Zero.

I will get my first jab on March 31.

My naturalisation ceremony will be April 27--my birthday!

And a friend had me over for brunch in her back garden last Sunday. Maybe not on a par with the above but I absolutely savoured every second. I arrive and she has hot water bottles for each of us, blankets for our laps, and shawls. Yes we felt like old biddies but there's just enough of a bite in the air, even when the sun is out, that I loved getting cozy with all the accoutrements supplied. A two course brunch accompanied by her news and my news in her lovely garden. I have not had a lot of company since I've been back from the US--we are in a pretty strict lock down--and this was a very welcome respite from work and chores.

March 23