350 Velocette

I love BBC Radio Ulster because it captures the small-town nature of living in Northern Ireland as well as the general friendliness of the people. Listeners have a close relationship with the presenters and have no problem calling in to report a loose dog running near a busy street or a dropped toy that a child would very much like to have returned (two recent examples).

Saturday morning I listened to a programme that highlights events during the weekend (ploughing championship in Ballycastle, family festival in Donaghadee...). During a feature about a vintage motorbike show in Fermanagh, Davy called in to see if anyone knows what happened to his dad’s 1959 350 Velocette, which the family sold in the 1970s. He provided the registration number. Within five minutes, Cecil called to say he owned the bike for four years and sold it two years ago to a man in Ballyclare. He said he’d get the man’s name and call Davy back. The 5-minute clip is below. Just another day in Ulster.