3 X 18

Soliana & Ian caught the Thursday morning bus to Dublin, from where they caught a flight to Rome for a week's holiday with Sol's family. I spent Thursday and Friday mostly avoiding my job search efforts. My analysis of Why I Am Procrastinating So Much has produced many theories. Part of it is the feeling that it is futile to send resumes to generic e-mail addresses for London-based NGOs. Yet that is what I've been doing.

Today (Sunday) David and I played golf after church. September and October were gorgeous and it looks like the good weather is hanging on in November. Here's the walk to the Par 3 we like to play in Bangor (18 holes, hence the title):

Action shot one:

Action shot two:

Action shot three:

We don't keep score, we lose balls, we find balls, we retake shots we don't like, we move the ball if we have a bad lie. The rough here is such that there is no point in looking for your ball, but it's fair enough to look for a ball. There are plenty in the brambles and thickly thatched rough.

It gets dark around 4:30 now and we finished with just enough light. Such a pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I hope to get good enough to do things like keep score and play a proper course. Right now my higher priorities are looking for a job, volunteering, and getting out to meet people, since I have such a limited network.