Devil’s Staircase

HF Holidays offers three levels of walks. Easy, leg stretchers, full on. Today I did an 8.5 mile leg stretcher. It was a perfect start to my holiday. Not too high but 8.5 miles of highland gorgeousness. After the drive yesterday, I was so eager to spend some time in the mountains.

The hike was 2.5 miles along a valley, then up a hill, then switchbacks (Devil's Staircase) up to a saddle and then up Ben Beig. I doubt that's the right spelling--Ben something. It isn't a munro, not even close, but I picked it for the views.

The weather was rain on and off, which is just Scottish weather.

However I got VERY lucky and had sunshine at the top. Not at all guaranteed.

My views were of the Mamore Mountains and Blackwater Reservoir.

I even took a video, which will give you an idea of how windy it was. This link may or may not work. A new trick for me.

The light changes so quickly. The rain comes and it goes, the wind dies down and picks up. I came back down to the pass and had intended to head up the mountain opposite, and or continue on the highland trail visible in the left hand side of the shot above. However. The rain was sheeting down when I got down to the pass and I figured I'd have no visibility if I went up the other side of the pass. Ten minutes later the sun was out.

No points for figuring out the origin of the Scottish way marker.

I was soaked by the time I got to the car but nonetheless happy as a clam.

My view of this mountain kept changing as I walked along the valley floor. Lots of wildflowers. I seemed to see three or four variations of heather.

One final shot before into the car, back to the hotel, spread all my wet gear around in the boot room (a heated room to dry out hiking gear). Then a hot bath!! Then a nap!! Then Cathy and I went to a pub for a snack prior to another fine meal at Alltshellach. Mine was toad out of the hole--veggie sausages sticking out of a Yorksire pudding, and a lot of veggies that were lightly breaded and fried. As it was Sunday night, I had my customary call with mom then slept like a baby.

19 July