1 for 3

Friday was my first round of the McKee Cup – a five-round competition that I won last year. My opponent had a much higher handicap so I had to give her 18 shots, meaning I had to be in the hole in two shots less than her to win a hole. If I were one shot under, we tied. Which happened on quite a few holes. I was up three holes on the front nine but she came back on the back nine. I think we were even on 16 then she won 17 and 18.

She played beautifully and so deserved to win. And she's a lovely woman to boot, so it was a pleasant round, the outcome aside. I actually played quite well but not well enough to overcome the 18-shot deficit. And I was proud of myself for never calling her a bandit – which I was repeatedly called last year. Suggesting that I somehow underplay on competition days to keep my handicap artificially high. I play the best I can on Tuesdays and my handicap reflects the carnage that ensues. But I understand better the frustration of last year's players when faced with giving a lot of shots.

So I was eliminated in the first round of the Challenge Cup a few weeks ago (the team event against another club) and lost out on the McKee Cup on Friday. On Sunday I played foursomes with Maeve, handicap 17 to my 26, in the Maureen Edwards Cup against Karen and Lynn. This is the first of a three-round foursomes competition, where each team of players alternates shots. We won on the 14th (we were up five holes) and will face last year's winners in the second round.

Saturday I took himself to the coast for a swim. It has been very hot here for weeks – no rain in at least three weeks. This is the entrance to Helen's Bay beach.

I really should have brought my swimming costume but I just didn't plan ahead. I thought I may go back later in the day when it was hotter, however parking at Helen's Bay is notoriously bad on hot days.

Saturday's big accomplishment was changing my browser from Safari (default on my Mac) to Chrome then listing four pieces of furniture for sale on two websites, one of which didn't work on Safari. Then learning about the various ways pretend buyers try to scam you. Such a fun world. A friend told me Safari stopped working b/c my computer is 10 years old and I need to buy a new one b/c this one is vulnerable to hackers b/c spyware (or whatever it's called) isn't updated. Sigh.

With an exhausting match on Friday, a very productive Saturday, and then another long match in the heat on Sunday, I needed this – a mojito and a lovely salad in my back garden.

2-4 June